Monday 13 April 2009

And You Know You're Fucked When The Holiday Is More Stressful Than School

Wow, what a motherfucking bollocks holiday. Couldn't be worse.

Because of course originally I could go over to see peeps on the isle of man, then despite beating every point my parents brought up, I still couldn't go. Now I can go to the Isle of man if I can get friends that my parents know to come. Guess what? All my rl friends are lazy motherfucking dickheaded horsewanking twats and I HATE THEM ALL. To top it all off now, my parents are trying to play the guilt card because of my mood.


I'm gonna go smother myself or something now because it turns out THE WORLD HATES ME. Just for once, a bit of good luck would come in handy. It's not like I'm asking for personal gain. What is wrong with WANTING TO SEE MY FRIENDS!?

It's fucking riduculus and I don't think my mood has EVER been this bad.


1 comment:

TomBeasley said...


You're seeing me tomorrow. That might help a bit.