Saturday 14 March 2009

I am insane.

I know it.
I'm sure there's at least a miniscule amount of mantal disability there.
This can get dangerous.
Very dangerous with a good level of intelligence.
Like me.

Right now I have plans, I have power. Immense power. I feel gleefully sour. My intentions are to bring two people together, as close as I possibly can, before stealing it away from them. I suggest you leave now if you're too insecure to hear me brag, because my thoughts are grim and I will to lose no friends due to a slight manic snag.

Mr. A. and Miss B. Let's call them that shall we? Well, what my intentions are, Is for them to be brought together. He likes her and she sort of likes him back, But where's the fun in allowing that? Online is the best time to strike, Or flirt and the suchlike. Like a sun you can look, But to touch is to cook. I am immune to love now, To turn the world around, To see reality as it should be, Love isn't real, it never could be, Yet it's always there, alowing metaphors to compare. Well here's a comparison for you; like the earlier described sun you see is true, but you can't touch it, Like love, you get to close and you turn to shit. So I'll let A and B get close enough to touch, Before Master C comes in to cuff, This love away. I've had my pain, yours is in the mail, Prepare to be mocked as you did me, I'll watch you smiling. Every day you get more frail.

Like a line the two sides should never meet, Straight lines remain incomplete.

Denying Reality

Let me sing a song,
Suggesting that superior seams need stitching,
Suggesting that superstition is missing,
Key components in this creative clone,
Reality built around us, to make us feel alone.

I am a dream,
A compact cluster,
Alone with hope,
This hatred must muster,
The world, created and kissed,
Kicked out the door. Instinct,
So beyond be it me,
To suggest reality doesn't exist.

I am allowed,
A glimmer of hope, contrasting with what I know,
Because what comes up must come down so,
Why is it a well known fact that someone cooked up,
Knowing full well that what goes down doesn't always come up.

I am a dream,
A compact cluster,
Alone with hope,
This hatred must muster,
The world, created and kissed,
Kicked out the door. Instinct,
So beyond be it me,
To suggest reality doesn't exist.

King of my own world,
My harbour, actually made of pearls,
Like speckled dreams I see,
That my reality belongs to me.

I am a dream,
A compact cluster,
Alone with hope,
This hatred must muster,
The world, created and kissed,
Kicked out the door. Instinct,
So beyond be it me,
To suggest reality doesn't exist.

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